GBV/FGM Rapid Assessment Report
The GBV/FGM rapid assessment was organized
and undertaken by the GBV AoR Somalia to
generate data and information on the impact
of COVID19 on GBV/FGM incidents and GBV
service provision. It also interrogated factors
around COVID and stigmatization, access to
health services for women and adolescent girls
and the impact of COVID19 on schooling for
adolescents’ boys and girls. This was important,
to improve understanding of secondary impact of
COVID19 on issues that are important to women
and girls. Field work for the assessment was for
a period of three weeks while collation of data,
analysis and report writing was planned for two
weeks. The purpose of the assessment was
to provide valid primary data and information
to inform programming and strategy for GBV
prevention, mitigation and response through
COVID19 lenses.
Gbv Referral Pathway – Banadir
All organizations mentioned above implement GBV prevention initiatives in the communities
they work in except Khaliif Huudow Human Rights Organisation (KAHRO) and SIHA Network
GBV Service Mapping Report
NoFYL in collaboration with the members of the GBV cluster conducted a mapping exercise of GBV
services available in Banadir region of Somalia between August and September 2019. Data was collected
through personal interviews with GBV focal points directly handling cases at the organization in order
to collect accurate data. The exercise focused on health, PSS, safety and protection, legal justice/aid,
hotline services and prevention services